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Title Date
Cokethorpe School, Cokethorpe School, 2015 23rd April 2015
Colchester Boys High School, Boys' High School Colchester , 1984 1984
Colchester County High School, Colchester County High School 1976 1976
Colchester County High School, County High School For Girls, Colchester 1980 1980
Colchester County High School, County High School For Girls, Colchester 1984 1984
Colchester High School, Colchester High School, 2009 12th October 2009
Colchester Royal Grammar School, Colchester Royal Grammar School 1982 15th September 1982
Colchester Royal Grammar School, Colchester Royal Grammar School 1987 1987
Colchester Royal Grammar School 6th September 1996
Colchester Royal Grammar School, Colchester Royal Grammar School 3rd September 2004
Colchester Royal Grammar School, Colchester Royal Grammar School, 2008 - 2009 3rd September 2008
Colchester Royal Grammar School, Colchester Royal Grammar School, 2012 - 2013 6th September 2012
Coleham Primary School, Coleham Primary School, Year 6 2013 2nd July 2013
Coleshill Ce Primary School, Coleshill C Of E Primary School 23rd June 2000
Colfe's Grammar School, London 20th October 1978
Colfe's Preparatory School, Colfe's Nursery Pre-preparatory & Preparatory, School 1993 17th September 1993
Colfe's Preparatory School, Nursery 25th September 1996
Colfe's Preparatory School, Colfe's Preparatory School And Colfes Pre-prepara 8th September 1999
Colfe's Preparatory School, Colfe's Preparatory School, 2005 7th October 2005
Colfe's Preparatory School, Colfe's Preparatory School(2nd) And Colfe's Pre-, Preparatory School (3rd) April 2008 14th April 2008
Colfe's Preparatory School 15th April 2008
Colfe's Preparatory School, Colfe's Preparatory, Pre-preparatory And, Nursery School (2nd Line) May 2011 23rd May 2011
Colfe's School, Colfe's School 1993 17th September 1993
Colfe's School 25th September 1996