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Title Date
Royal Wolverhampton Junior School, The Royal Wolverhamton Junior School, May 1990, 1990
Royal Wolverhampton Junior School, The Royal Wolverhampton Junior School, May 1993 18th May 1993
Royal Wolverhampton Junior School, The Royal Wolverhampton Junior School 19th May 1999
Royal Wolverhampton Junior School, The Royal Wolverhampton School 2000 3rd May 2000
Royal Wolverhampton Junior School, The Royal Wolverhampton Junior School 2001 12th June 2001
Royal Wolverhampton Junior School, The Royal Wolverhampton Junior School, 2007 7th June 2007
Royal Wolverhampton Junior School, The Royal Wolverhampton Junior School, 2010 5th May 2010
Royal Wolverhampton Junior School, The Royal Wolverhampton Junior School, 2012 2nd May 2012
St.lawrence College, The Junior School, Ramsgate 13th May 1974
The Abbey Junior School, The Abbey Junior School, 2014 19th May 2014
The Atherley Junior School, The Atherley Junior School 1991 1991
The Beacon School, Junior Choir 12th May 2009
The Cathedral School, The Cathedral School, Junior Section 2015 21st April 2015
The Church High School, Junior School, Newcastle On Tyne 14th May 1969
The Combined Junior School, Mary Erskine & Stewart's Melville 1st June 1994
The County Junior School, Great Yarmouth 21st May 1974
The Dixie Grammar Junior School, The Dixie Grammar, Junior School 2006 2nd May 2006
The Elms Junior School To Trent Col, The Elms (2nd Line)junior School To Trent College 6th June 2000
The Elms Junior School To Trent Col, The Elms(2ndline) Junior School To Trent College 1st November 2002
The Grammar School, Junior School, Stockport 12th September 1979
The Junior Sch Of Dulwich College, The Junior School, Dulwich College 2007 4th September 2007
The Junior Sch Of Dulwich College, The Junior School, Dulwich College 2009 10th September 2009
The Junior Sch Of Dulwich College, Dulwich College, The Junior School 2011 8th September 2011
The Junior Sch Of Dulwich College, Dulwich College, The Junior School 2013 18th September 2013