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Title Date
University Of Texas English, Summer School 2000
Upper Chine School, Isle Of Wight 3rd May 1974
Waddesdon Ce School, Waddesdon Church Of England School, Year 11 1995 (overlay Mount) 1st March 1995
Waddesdon Ce School, Waddesdon Church Of England School, Years 12 And 13 1995 (overlay Mount) 1st March 1995
Wadhurst College, Wadhurst College 1992, With The Legat School Of Classical Ballet 1992
Warwick School, Upper 6th (without Head Of Yr) 21st May 1997
Warwick School, Upper 6th (with Head Of Year) 21st May 1997
Warwickshire College Of Agriculture, Warwickshire School Of Agriculture , 1990 1990
Weald Of Kent Grammar School, Weald Of Kent Grammar School, 2007 16th April 2007
Weald Of Kent School For Girls, Waeld Of Kent School For Girls 1980 1980
Weald Of Kent School For Girls, The Weald Of Kent Grammar School For Girls, Tonbri, Dge 1983 1983
Weald Of Kent School For Girls, The Weald Of Kent Grammar School For Girls Tonbrid, Ge 1986 1986
Weald Of Kent School For Girls, Weald Of Kent Grammar School For Girls 6th April 2000
Westcliff High School For Boys, The Staff Of Westcliff High School For Boys 5th September 2001
Westminister Cathedral Choir School, Chorister Of Westminister Cathedral, 19 82 1982
Westminster Cathedral Choir School, Choristers Of Westminister Cathedral 1986 1986
Westminster Cathedral Choir School, Choiristers Of Westminster Cathedral, 1987 1987
Westminster Cathedral Choir School, Chioristers Of Westminster Catherdral 1990 1990
Westminster Cathedral Choir School, Choristers Of Westminster Cathedral 1993 1993
Westminster Cathedral Choir School, Choristers Of Westminster Cathedral 1995 15th June 1995
Westminster Cathedral Choir School, Choristers Of Westminster Cathedral 1996 13th June 1996
Westminster Cathedral Choir School, Choristers Of Westminster Cathedral 1997 19th June 1997
Westminster Cathedral Choir School, Choristers Of Westminster Cathedral 1998 16th June 1998
Westminster Cathedral Choir School, Choristers Of Westminster Cathedral 1st June 2000