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Title Date
Rugby School, Rugby School Vs. Clifton College Bristol, Wednesday 9th December 2009 9th December 2009
Rugby School, Rugby School, Athletics Team 2010 25th May 2010
Rugby School 19th October 2010
Rugby School, Rugby School, Athletics Team 2011 24th May 2011
Rugby School, Rugby School, Football Club Xv (3rd Line) 2011 9th December 2011
Rugby School, Rugby School, Leavers 2012 14th May 2012
Rugby School 17th May 2012
Rugby School, Rugby School (2nd Line) C.c.f Biennial Inspection, (3rd Line) 17th May 2012 17th May 2012
Rugby School, Rugby School, Athletics Team 2012 13th June 2012
Rugby School, Rugby School, 2012 11th September 2012
Rugby School, Michell House, Rugby School 2012 17th September 2012
Rugby School, Rugby School, Leavers 2013 26th April 2013
Rugby School, Rugby School (2nd Line) C.c.f Biennial Inspection, (3rd Line) 16th May 2013 16th May 2013
Rugby School, Rugby School, Athletics Team 2014 6th May 2014
Rugby School, Rugby School, 2014 9th September 2014
School House - Rugby School, Rugby School, School House 2012 10th September 2012
Southfield House - Rugby School, Same Title As 265752 7th September 2012
Southfield House - Rugby School, Rugby School, Southfield House 2012 7th September 2012
St Edward's School, Rugby -
St Edward's School, St Edwards School 1st Rugby Xv 1926-1927 1927
St Edward's School, Rugby 1958, Scan From Print 1958
St Edward's School, Rugby 1959, Scan From Print 1959
St Edward's School, 3rd Rugby 1960, Scan From Print 1960
St Edward's School, Rugby 1979