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Title Date
Thames Valley Grammar School, Twickenham 26th April 1972
The Boys Grammar Technical School, Bridgend 17th September 1969
The County Grammar School For Girls, Sale 12th May 1969
The County Grammar School For Girls, Wirral 3rd April 1973
The Dixie Grammar Junior School, The Dixie Grammar, Junior School 2006 2nd May 2006
The Dixie Grammar School, The Wolstan Preparatory School, Trinity Term 1994 4th May 1994
The Dixie Grammar School, See Job Bag - Title On 3 Lines - Does Not Fit In 8th September 1997
The Dixie Grammar School, The Dixie Grammar School 8th September 2000
The Dixie Grammar School, The Dixie Grammar School 24th September 2003
The Dixie Grammar School, The Dixie Grammar School, 2006 2nd May 2006
The Dovecliff Grammar School, Burton-on-trent 25th June 1974
The Duchy Grammar School, The Duchy Grammar School 1992 1992
The Duchy Grammar School, The Duchy Grammar School 1994 30th March 1994
The Duchy Grammar School 31st March 1998
The Girls Grammar School, Farnham 23rd May 1969
The Girls Grammar School, Lancaster 20th May 1970
The Girls Grammar School, Lancaster 26th September 1974
The Girls Grammar School, Lancaster 26th September 1974
The Girls Grammar School, Bradford 30th June 1975
The Girls Grammar School, Prep School, Bradford 30th June 1975
The Grammar High School, The Grammar High School Wellington 1977 1977
The Grammar School, Thornbury 10th October 1968
The Grammar School, Dunstable 25th October 1968
The Grammar School, Burnley 4th March 1969