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Title Date
The Hull High School For Girls, Hull 18th May 1971
The Jewish High School For Girls 31st May 2000
The John Mason High School, The John Mason High School. 1969. 1969
The John Mason High School, The John Mason School, 5th Year 1978 1978
The John Mason High School, The John Mason High School, Upper 6th 1978 1978
The King David High School, King David High School Liverpool 20th April 1998
The King David High School, Yr 11 6th February 2004
The King David High School, King David High School 26th March 2004
The King David High School 13th December 2006
The King's High School For Girls, The King's High School For Girls, Warwick, April 1979 100th Years April 1979
The King's High School For Girls, The King's High School For Girls, Warwick, May 1984 105th Year May 1984
The King's High School For Girls, 115th Year 26th April 1994
The King's High School For Girls, The King's High School For Girls, Warwick 3rd May 1999
The Kings High School For Girls, The King's High School For Girls, Warrick, May 1989 Final Year 5th April 1989
The Lady Verney High School, The Lady Verney High School, 1992 1992
The Newcastle Upon Tyne Church High, The Newcastle Upon Tyne Church High (2nd Line), Junior School (3rd Line) 2010 17th June 2010
The Ridgeway High School, Birkenhead 1st July 1975
The Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe 29th February 1972
The Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe 12th July 1972
The Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe 19th March 1973
The Royal Grammar School, Sixth Form, High Wycombe 11th May 1973
The Royal Grammar School, Middle School, High Wycombe 11th May 1973
The Royal Grammar School, Junior School, High Wycombe 11th May 1973
The Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe 6th July 1973