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Title Date
Kendal High School For Girls, Kendal 1st May 1980
Kesteven & Sleaford High School For Girls, Sleaford 21st April 1970
King Edward Vi Camp Hill High School For Girls, Birmingham 4th July 1969
King Edward Vi High Sch For Girls, King Edward Vi High School For Girls, Birmingham 1978 26th April 1978
King Edward Vi High Sch For Girls, King Edward Vi High School For Girls, Birm, Ingham Centenary Year 1983 26th April 1983
King Edward Vi High Sch For Girls, King Edward Vi High School For Girls, Misc Group 1987 1987
King Edward Vi High Sch For Girls, King Edward Vi High School For Girls, Birmingham 1987 1987
King Edward Vi High Sch For Girls, King Edward Vi High School For Girls, 2006 28th April 2006
King Edward Vi High Sch For Girls, King Edward Vi High School For Girls, (2nd Line) 2008 - 2009 (3rd) 125th Anniversary 22nd April 2009
King Edward Vi High Sch For Girls, King Edward Vi High School For Girls, 2012 2nd October 2012
King Edward Vi High School For Girls, Edgbaston 15th May 1973
Kings High School For Girls, Warwick 7th May 1969
Kingston-upon-hull High School For Nautical Traini, Kingston-upon-hull 8th May 1969
Leicester Girls High School, Leincester High For Girls 1986 1986
Leicester Girls High School, Leicester High School For Girls 1990 1990
Leicester Girls High School, Leicester High School For Girls, September 1994 9th September 1994
Leicester Girls High School, Leicester High School For Girls, June 1995 7th June 1995
Leicester Girls High School, Leicester High School For Girls 5th March 1999
Leicester Girls High School, Leicester High School For Girls 24th March 1999
Manchester High School For Girls, Manchester High School For Girls 28th April 2004
Medway Technical High School For Girls, Chatham 22nd April 1970
Medway Technical High School For Girls, 26 Groups, Chatham 26th April 1971
Norbury Manor High School For Girls, Norbury Manor High School For Girls 24th April 2002
Norbury Manor High School For Girls, Norbury Manor High School For Girls, Staff 24th April 2002