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Title Date
2 Royal Gloucestershire, 2nd Volunteer Battalion, 5th June 1998 - Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire & Wiltshire Regiment. 3rd June 1998
2nd Batalion Light Infantry, Headquarter Company 2nd Battalion The Light Infant, Y South Armagh March To September 1992 1992
2nd Battalion The Queen's Regiment, The Princess Of Wales's Royal Regiment 2nd Battali, Wo's & Sgts Mess Sobraon Day Celibration 05 Februa 5th February 1993
2nd Battalion Light Infantry, Warrent Officers And Sergents' Mess 2nd Battalion, The Light Infantry South Armagh March To Sept. 92 1992
2nd Battalion Light Infantry, Officers' Mess 2nd Battalion The Light Infantry, South Armagh March To September 1992 1992
2nd Battalion Light Infantry, Support Company 2nd Battalion The Light Infantry, South Armagh March To September 1992 1992
2nd Battalion Light Infantry, B Company 2nd Battalion The Light Infantry, South Armagh March To September 1992 1992
2nd Battalion Light Infantry, A Company 2nd Battalion The Light Infantry, South Armagh March To September 1992 1992
2nd Battalion Light Infantry, D Company 2nd Battalion The Light Infantry, South Armagh March To September 1992 1992
2nd Battalion Of Royal Green Jackets, Warrant Officers And Sergeants Mess 2nd Battalion, The Royal Green Jackets Warminster March 1988 1988
2nd Battalion Of The Royal Green Jackets, 2nd Batalion, (see Neg For Rest Of Title) 1988
2nd Battalion The Light Infantry, The Corporals Mess 2nd Battalion The Light, Infantry Tidworth 15th February 1993 15th February 1993
2nd Battalion The Queen's Regiment, 2nd Battalion The Queen's Regiment Prior To Amalg, Amation, Howe Barracks Canterbury 26th May 1992 26th May 1992
Gernadier Guards, The Sergeants Mess 2nd Battalion Grenadier Guards, The Barracks, Caterham, Surrey 1991 1991
Grenadier Guards, Escort To The Colours 2nd Battalion Grenadier, Guards H.m. Birthday Parade 15th June 1991 1991
Grenadier Guards, 2nd Battalion Grenadier Guards, The Barracks, Caterham, Surrey 1991 1991
Grenadier Guards, Number 2 Guard 2nd Battalion Grenadier Guards, H.m. Birthday Parade 15th June 1991 1991
Grenadier Guards, 2nd Battalion Grenadier Guards, The Barracks,caterham,surrey 1991 1991
Grenadier Guards, 2nd Battalion Grenadier Guards, The Barracks,caterham,surrey 1991 1991