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Title Date
Duke University Summer School, Oxford/duke University Summer School 20th July 2005
Green College, 1st European Dermatology Summer School On Wound, Healing Green College,oxford University,july 28th- 1990
Hertford College - Intl Programmes, Waseda University (2nd) Hertford College, Summer, 2012 (3rd) University Of Oxford 4th August 2012
Hertford College - Intl Programmes, Kwansei Gakuin University (2nd) Hertford College, Summer 2012 (3rd) University Of Oxford 9th August 2012
Hertford College - Intl Programmes, Mie University (2nd) Hertford College, Summer 2012, (3rd) University Of Oxford 9th August 2012
Hertford College - Intl Programmes, Waseda University (2nd) Hertford College, Summer, 2012 (3rd) University Of Oxford 22nd August 2012
Hertford College - Summer Schools, New Asia College, Cuhk (2nd Line) Hertford College, Summer 2011 (3rd Line) University Of Oxford 11th July 2011
Hertford College - Summer Schools, Waseda University (2nd Line) Hertford College, Summer 2011 (3rd Line) University Of Oxford 6th August 2011
Hertford College - Summer Schools, Otsuma Women's University,chiyoda Campus (2ndline), Hertford College,summer 2011 University Of Oxford 9th August 2011
Michigan Summer School, University Of Oxford & Michigan State/northwestern 27th August 2001
Otec Summer School, Oxford University/british Council Summer School 29th July 1999
Oxford / Ohio State University, Oxford/ohio State University Law Summer School 5th July 2004
Oxford / Ohio State University, Oxford/ohio State University Law Summer School 5th July 2004
Oxford / Ohio State University, Oxford/ohio State University Law Summer School 4th July 2005
Oxford / Ohio State University, Oxford/ohio State University Pre-law Summer 4th July 2005
Oxford University Boat Club, Summer Eights Oxford 29th May 1999
Oxford University Business, (summer School) 1988
Oxford University Centenary, (summer School) 1988
Oxford University Summer School 1990
Oxford University Summer School 1992
Oxford University Summer School 1993
St Peter's College, Academic Summer School, St. Peter's College. Oxford University (3rd) 2008 21st July 2008
St Peter's College, St Peter's College,oxford With Salem College &, Shenandoah University Summer School In Emerging 13th July 2009
St Peter's College, St Peter's College,oxford University Summer School, 2009 In English Literature,medieval And Environmen 20th July 2009