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Title Date
Commonwealth Secretariat, The Oxford Conference On International And White, Collar Crime/christ Church 12-16 August 1991 1991
Commonwealth Secretariat, The Oxford Conference On International And White, Christ Church, 30 August-3 September 1993 1st September 1993
G.a.i.a. In Oxford, The Self-regulating Earth Green College And St, Anne's College, Oxford 16-20 April 1994 (3 Lines) 18th April 1994
Oxford & County Business College, The Oxford And County Business College 1992-1993 1992
Oxford & County Secretarial College, The Oxford And County Secretarial College, 1985 1985
Oxford & County Secretarial College, The Oxford And County Secretarial College, 1986 1986
Oxford & County Secretarial College, The Oxford And County Secretarial College, 1987 - 88 1988
Oxford Conference On International, The Oxford Conference On International And White, Collar Crime Christ Church August-september 1993 1993
Oxford Marlborough Business College, The Marlborough College 1992, Secretarial And Business Training 1992
S.b.n.s., The 112th Meeting Of The Sbns And The Neurosurgica, L Society Of Australia, Oxford 1933-88 1988
The Oxford & County Secretarial, The Oxford And County Secretarial College, 1989 - 90 1989
The Oxford And Co. Business College, The Oxford And County Business College 1993-1994 24th September 1993
The Oxford And Co. Business College, The Oxford And County Business College 1994-1995 22nd September 1994
The Oxford And Co. Business College, The Oxford And County Business College 1995-1996 20th September 1995
The Oxford And Co. Business College 19th September 1996
The Oxford And Co. Business College, The Oxford And County Business College 1997-1998 30th September 1997
The Oxford And County Business Coll, The Oxford And County Bussiness College 1991-1992 1991
The Oxford Union, Enid Blyton Debate (noddy And Big Ears) 6th March 1997
The Oxford Union, Visit Of James Baker And Lord Hurd, Michaelmas Term 1997 12th November 1997
Trinity College, The President And Fellows, Trinity College, Oxford (3rd) 2006 - 2007 18th October 2006